The updated statistical history of the Maple League is ready to be browsed

The historical statistics of the Maple League from 2003 to 2023 are now available for browsing, updated on the SAJL (American Football Association of Finland) website.
The digital statistical history of the Maple League is now accessible through an easy-to-use PowerBI browser covering 20 seasons. Some new features have been added to the statistics browser, allowing for a more detailed exploration of history. As before, statistics can be browsed summarily as well as by year, team, and player.
In the 2024 season, history can be rewritten in several statistical categories. Particularly, Seinäjoki Crocodiles’ Christian Powell is chasing multiple seemingly unattainable all-time records set by the legendary Stephen Stokes. For example, the difference in the number of touchdowns scored has narrowed to 16 before the start of the 2024 season.
Explore here: Maple League Player Statistics 2003-2023
Original images: Jari Turunen