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Volt Athletics 1Mm. Clemsonin, USC:n, Michiganin, Nebraskan ja Washingtonin yliopistojen freshman football -pelaajat sekä USA:n maajoukkueen pelaajat ovat käyttäneet Volt Athletics -ohjelmaa harjoittelussaan.
Volt on ollut apuna useille Suomen maajoukkueen mies- ja naispelaajille. Lisäksi ainakin Mikkeli Bouncers, Wasa Royals, Helsinki Wolverines, Kuopio Steelers, Seinäjoki Crocodiles Helsinki Roosters ja UN Crusaders ovat seuroina olleet Volt Athletics käyttäjä.

Kohderyhmä – määrätietoisesti harjoitteleville urheilijoille. Seuraava Volt Athletics treenivuosi käynnistyy syyskuussa 2024!


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Volt Athletics

Harjoittelun tavoitteet

Läpi vuoden kestävä ohjelma on amerikkalaisen jalkapallon osalta kehitetty koko kehon voiman, lihasmassan ja räjähtävyyden kehittämiseen. Ohjelma tuo urheilijoille systemaattisen menetelmän kehittyä ja pitää keho toimintakykyisenä läpi harjoitus- ja kilpailukauden.

Volt Ahtleticsin tarjoamat yksityiskohtaiset ja helposti sovelluksen kautta ohjelmat, valmennus- ja harjoiteohjeet. Harjoittelun seuranta auttaa valmentajaa pysymään kartalla miten urheilija edistyy, kun urheilija suorittaa harjoittelua itsenäisesti.

Urheilija valitsee eri pelipaikkaohjelmasta (qb, ol&dl, wr&db&rb, fb&te&lb, k) sopivimman.  Näille ohjelmille on kaksi eri vaativuustasoa. Lisäksi Volt Athleticsin kautta voi harjoituttaa koko joukkuetta omalla yleisohjelmalla. Volt määrittelee painot, toistot, palautumisajat sekä vaihtelee liikkeitä ja sarjoja. Jokainen treeni on erilainen. Volt toimii kuin henkilökohtainen personal trainer.

Volt Athletics ohjelmaan kuuluvat  dynaamiset lämmittely- ja jäähdyttelyharjoitukset. Materiaaleihin on lisätty ravitsemukseen, lepoon ja nesteytykseen liittyvä osio. Oheisharjoittelua varten on tarjolla myös lyhyet nopeus- ja ketteryysosiot. Volt Athleticsin ohjelmassa on  monipuolisia harjoitteita eri urheiluvammoista kuntoutuville urheilijoille.


Taso 1 

Football Level One (3-Day) This program is designed to deliver the strength and power to support the demands of the game. This program will provide ample results through a mix of compound exercises. Olympic variations, and high-volume accessory work. *This program uses less complicated movement progressions and is more appropriate for beginners.

Football Level One (4-Day) This program is designed to deliver the strength and power to support the demands of the game. This program will provide ample results through a mix of compound exercises. Olympic variations, and high-volume accessory work. *This program uses less complicated movement progressions and is more appropriate for beginners.

Football Skill Level One (3-Day)
Designed for speed and power, this program paves the pathway for improved force of expression in single-leg and double-leg movement patterns. Using wide degree of movement variation, this program elevates peak power potential while supporting knee and hip health through an extensive focus on hamstring and hip flexor resiliency. *This program uses less complicated movement progressions and is more appropriate for beginners.

Football Big Skill Level One (3-Day) The ability to use strength quickly is an advantage on field. This program blends the development of strength and power using specific movement progressions to support repeated explosive efforts. *This program uses less complicated movement progressions and is more appropriate for beginners.

Football Linemen Level One (3-Day) Big isn’t enough, you must also be strong and functional. Using various loading methods, explosive throws and jumps, and mobility progressions, this program elevates the capacity of any athlete on the field. *This program uses less complicated movement progressions and is more appropriate for beginners.

Football Quarterbacks Level One (3-Day) The goal of this program is to develop a resilient and capable foundation of strength and power. Arm care is of high priority in this program and supports it through a wide range of shoulder strengthening approaches. *This program uses less complicated movement progressions and is more appropriate for beginners.

Football Kickers Level One (3-Day) When strength is applied to skill, success follows. Using detailed and considerate movement variations that support specific skill work, this program maximizes the amount of force that can be applied when needed.   *This program uses less complicated movement progressions and is more appropriate for beginners.

Taso 2

Football Level Two (3 -Day) This program is designed to deliver the strength and power to support the demands of the game. This program will provide ample results through a mix of compound exercises. Olympic variations, and high-volume accessory work. * This program uses more complex movement progressions and is more appropriate for advanced athletes.

Football Level Two (4-Day)This program is designed to deliver the strength and power to support the demands of the game. This program will provide ample results through a mix of compound exercises. Olympic variations, and high-volume accessory work.* This program uses more complex movement progressions and is more appropriate for advanced athletes.

Football Skill Level Two (3-Day) Designed for speed and power, this program paves the pathway for improved force of expression in single-leg and double-leg movement patterns. Using wide degree of movement variation, this program elevates peak power potential while supporting knee and hip health through an extensive focus on hamstring and hip flexor resiliency. * This program uses more complex movement progressions and is more appropriate for advanced athletes.

Football Big Skill Level Two (3-Day) The ability to use strength quickly is an advantage on the field. This program blends the development of strength and power using specific  movement progressions to support repeated explosive efforts. * This program uses more complex movement progressions and is more appropriate for advanced athletes.

Football Linemen Level Two (3-Day) Big isn’t enough, you must also be strong and functional. Using various loading methods, explosive throws and jumps, and mobility progressions, this program elevates the capacity of any athlete on the field. * This program uses more complex movement progressions and is more appropriate for advanced athletes.

Football Quarterbacks Level Two (3-Day) The goal of this program is to develop a resilient and capable foundation of strength and power. Arm care is of high priority in this program and supports it through a wide range of shoulder strengthening approaches.* This program uses more complex movement progressions and is more appropriate for advanced athletes.

Football Kickers Level Two (3-Day) When strength is applied to skill, success follows. Using detailed and considerate movement variations that support specific skill work, this program maximizes the amount of force that can be applied when needed. * This program uses more complex movement progressions and is more appropriate for advanced athletes.


P.E. Bands and Bodyweight Level One (5-Day) This foundational P.E. program features 5 training sessions per week and is designed to build strength and athleticism through band and bodyweight exercises. Each session is designed to fit within a single class period, and should take 30-45 minutes to complete. Designed to build general strenght and athleticism within a shorter class period through band and bodyweight exercises (no weights).

P.E. Weightlifting Level One (2-Day) This A Physical Education progman with 2 x 30-45-minute weightlifting sessions per week. Intended for high school athletes with little to no experience with strength training. Designed to build general strenght and athleticism within a shorter class period.

P.E. Weightlifting Level One (3-Day) This A Physical Education progman with 2 x 30-45-minute weightlifting sessions per week. Intended for high school athletes with little to no experience with strength training. Designed to build general strenght and athleticism within a shorter class period.

P.E. Weightlifting Level One (4-Day) This A Physical Education progman with 2 x 30-45-minute weightlifting sessions per week. Intended for high school athletes with little to no experience with strength training. Designed to build general strenght and athleticism within a shorter class period.

P.E. Weightlifting Level One (5-Day) This A Physical Education progman with 2 x 30-45-minute weightlifting sessions per week. Intended for high school athletes with little to no experience with strength training. Designed to build general strenght and athleticism within a shorter class period.

P.E. Weightlifting Level Two (2-Day) This A Physical Education progman with 2 x 30-45-minute weightlifting sessions per week. Intended for high school athletes with substantial experience with strength training. Designed to build general strenght and athleticism within a shorter class period.

P.E. Weightlifting Level Two (3-Day) This A Physical Education progman with 2 x 30-45-minute weightlifting sessions per week. Intended for high school athletes with substantial experience with strength training. Designed to build general strenght and athleticism within a shorter class period.

P.E. Weightlifting Level Two (4-Day) This A Physical Education progman with 2 x 30-45-minute weightlifting sessions per week. Intended for high school athletes with substantial experience with strength training. Designed to build general strenght and athleticism within a shorter class period.

P.E. Weightlifting Level Two (5-Day) This A Physical Education progman with 2 x 30-45-minute weightlifting sessions per week. Intended for high school athletes with substantial experience with strength training. Designed to build general strenght and athleticism within a shorter class period.

Female All-Around Athlete Level One (4-Day) This foundational program features balanced movement patterns and 4 days per week of training in the off-season. The training is designed to build all-around athleticism and is appropriate for female athletes without substantial experience in a serious strength training program. If you’re not sure where to start, start here.

Female All-Around Athlete Level One (3-Day) This foundational program features balanced movement patterns and 3 days per week of training in the off-season. The training is designed to build all-around athleticism and is appropriate for female athletes without substantial experience in a serious strength training program. If you’re not sure where to start, start here.

Female All-Around Athlete Level Two (4-Day) This program features balanced movement patterns and 4 days per week of training in the off-season. The training is designed to build all-around athleticism and is appropriate for female athletes with 2+ years’ experience in a serious training program.

Female All-Around Athlete Level Two (3-Day) This program features balanced movement patterns and 3 days per week of training in the off-season. The training is designed to build all-around athleticism and is appropriate for female athletes with 2+ years’ experience in a serious training program.

Male All-Around Athlete Level One (4-Day) This foundational program features balanced movement patterns and 4 days per week of training in the off-season. The training is designed to build all-around athleticism and is appropriate for male athletes without substantial experience in a serious strength training program. If you’re not sure where to start, start here.

Male All-Around Athlete Level One (3-Day) This foundational program features balanced movement patterns and 3 days per week of training in the off-season. The training is designed to build all-around athleticism and is appropriate for male athletes without substantial experience in a serious strength training program. If you’re not sure where to start, start here.

Male All-Around Athlete Level Two (3-Day) This program features balanced movement patterns and 3 days per week of training in the off-season. The training is designed to build all-around athleticism and is appropriate for male athletes with 2+ years’ experience in a serious training program.

Male All-Around Athlete Level Two (4-Day) This program features balanced movement patterns and 4 days per week of training in the off-season. The training is designed to build all-around athleticism and is appropriate for male athletes with 2+ years’ experience in a serious training program.